Saturday, February 7, 2009


Without water, life could not exist.
It is the most common substance found on Earth. Water is also the body's most vital need. Most tap water is fine to consume as long as it is properly filtered with both carbon and particulate filters. Spring and mineral bottled water are also good choices.

Purified water, reverse osmosis or distilled, should be completely avoided. It is water that has had all the minerals removed from so it is literally pure H2O

Because of its extreme purity, purified water absorbs carbon dioxide out of the air, which makes it acidic and even more aggressive at dissolving alkaline substances it comes in contact with. It turns the body acidic, leaches vital minerals and does not hydrate the body well at all

Basically, degenerative diseases are the result of acid wastes built up within us. We gradually build up these acids as we age by eating the wrong foods, drinking the wrong beverages, stress and negative emotions. Distilled water, reverse osmosis water, purified water, coffee, tea, soda and alcoholic beverages are examples of acidic beverages. Acidic foods include meat, dairy, eggs, and most prepared and fast foods. Click here to learn which are alkaline or acid foods.

By drinking low ORP (Learn about ORP) ionized water, the acidity of the body is lowered enabling the disposal of acidic wastes from the blood, cellular fluids and other acidic storage areas safely and easily. This antioxidant rich energy water scavenges free radicals that attack our cells. Every cell will feel the difference - wrinkles and age spots will gradually fade. Drink enough alkaline water and you may even lose excess weight (pH Diet). Click here to learn more about how alkaline water works for you.

The immune system becomes stronger and enables the body to fight off disease better. The micro-clustering of the water molecules provides excellent body hydration and skin rejuvenation. The abundance of available oxygen molecules makes us alert and energized

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