Saturday, February 7, 2009

Additional Observed Medical Benefits in Japan of Ionized Water

HAYASHI,Hidemitsu,M.D.,Water Institute, & KAWAMURA,Munenori,M.D.,Kyowa Medical Clinic, (1985-2000)

1. Improvement of blood glucose and HbAIC levels in diabetes mellitus.

2. Improvement of peripheral circulation in diabetic gangrene.

3. Improvement of uric acid levels in gout.

4. Improvement of liver function in hepatic disease, cirrhosis of liver, hepatitis.

5. Improvement of gastroduodenal ulcers and prevention of recurrences.

6. Improvement of cholesterol level; hypertension, angina, myocardial infarction.

7. Improvement of hypersensitive disorders; atopic dermatitis, asthma, urticaria.

8. Improvement of auto immune disorders; rheumatism, collagen disease, SLE.

9. Improvement of so called specific diseases; Behcet's syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, Kawasaki's disease.

10. Improvement of malignant tumors of liver; hepatoma, metastatic tumors.

11. Improvement of general malaise, chronic constipation & diarrhea as well as persistent diarrhea occurred after gastric resection.

12. Improvement of dehydration in infants with vomiting and diarrhea caused by viral infection

13. Improvement of hyperbilirubinemia in newborns

14. Experiences of pregnant women who took reduced water during their pregnancy; almost no emesis, smooth delivery, slight jaundice, enough lactation, smooth and satisfactory growth of newborns.

Devices to produce reduced water were introduced into our clinic in May 1985. Based on the clinical experiences obtained in the past 15 years, it can be said that introduction of electrolyzed-reduced water for drinking and cooking purpose for inpatients should be the very prerequisite in our daily medical practices.

It is because any dietary recipe cannot be a scientific one if property of water taken by the patients is not taken into consideration.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan announced in 1965 that the intake of reduced water is effective for restoration of intestinal flora metabolism.

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