Friday, February 20, 2009

Home Water Distillers, Ionisers and Filters

Home Water Distillers, Ionisers and Filters

When we think of increasing the quality of our drinking water, we naturally think of a water filter such as a Britta™. Make no mistake, these handy and affordable filters go a long way towards making our drinking water more beneficial and healthful. However, if you are looking for life-giving, energy-boosting nourishment from your drinking water then these only really scratch the surface.

Taking your water from being something that simply quenches your thirst (or goes in the kettle) to being something that you crave due to the energy and vitality it gives you is not a complex, difficult process, nor does it have to be expensive. You can massively increase the quality of your drinking water using one of the following techniques:

Home Water Distillers

Water distillers heat tap water electrically to boiling point. The purified condensation then drains into a clean container - leaving all of the impurities behind in the boiling chamber. Distilled water comes closes to rain water, which would be our ideal water source if the atmosphere was not so polluted!

Distillation kills and removes bacteria, viruses, cysts and heavy metals. Although there is some debate about the effects of distilled water removing beneficial minerals as well as these disease forming metals and germs, it is useful to note that the mineral content in water is so minute that one would have to drink approximately six-hundred 8oz glasses of water to attain the RDA of calcium and 1,800+ glasses to fulfil their daily requirement of magnesium.

Another common myth surrounding distilled water is that it leaches minerals from the body. This is not only false, but impossible. The human body is incredibly efficient and effective and in no way could allow water to force out essential body elements. What distilled water does do, is transport inorganic minerals and toxins out of the body, helping to cleanse and purify the body's internal environment.

Distilled water also has more oxygen ions and fewer hydrogen ions, making the water far less acidic and more alkaline than other types of water.

Water Ionisers

Water ionisers are, unsurprisingly, products that ionise water. The water is ionised (electrically enhanced) by running it over positive and negative electrodes. This separates the water into alkaline (70%) and acidic (30%). This is exceptionally beneficial as the alkaline water is then used for drinking, while the acidic water can be used on the outside of the body as it is proven to kill many types of bacteria.

The quality of ionised water is reputed to surpass water from any other source. For instance, ionised water is the only type of water that has a low surface tension which allows for greater absorption of water and nutrients into the body.

Some water ionisers also come with an alkalinity adjustment which allows you to set your preferred level of alkalinity. This is an incredibly useful benefit which is unique to this type of machine.

Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

Reverse Osmosis utilises a fine membrane to filter water - known as hyperfiltration. This allows the removal of bacteria, salts, sugars, proteins, particles, dyes, and other damaging elements.

Reverse osmosis uses a membrane that is semi-permeable. This allows the water to pass through whilst the contaminants are removed. In the majority of reverse osmosis filters, this membrane is self-cleaning, allowing for the purest water to be provided.

Reverse osmosis units can use between 2-3 gallons of water to make 1 gallon up to as much as 10 gallons of water or more, to make 1 gallon of pure water.

As with distilled water, reverse osmosis water is far more alkaline than tap or bottled water.

How Else Can I Increase the Alkalinity of my Water?

Using home water distillers, purifiers or ionisers will give you pure water with varying degrees of alkalinity. To further increase the alkalinity of your drinking water the either of the following are recommended:

- squeezing fresh lemon or lime juice into the water

- adding an alkalizing, pH boosting supplement to the water such as Alkalive pH Booster

More Alkaline Diet Resources

Energise for Life is a health resource with a focus on the alkaline diet approach to health. You can find more free alkaline diet resources and alkaline water resources within our health resources section.

What is Alkaline Water? Why Make Our Water Alkalizing?

Water is one of the most important factors when becoming and staying healthy and vibrant. Our bodies are 70% water and our blood is 94% water - if we follow the recommendation to drink at least two litres of water per day and this water is acid and polluted - imagine what this will do to our bodies?!

As the majority of the foods we eat create acid wastes in our system, it is important to drink alkaline water in order to maintain a optimal health and energy, particularly as acid water ((less than pH 7) is a hotbed of microorganisms, bacteria and viruses.

Acid wastes (from the lifestyles we lead - not only from food and drink, but also from stress and other pollutants) are dumped into the bloodstream and lymph, and then are transported to the liver and kidneys for the detoxification processing and elimination. The pH level of our internal fluids affects every living cell in our bodies and the effect that over-acidification can have upon the health of our bodies is immense, with a chronically over acidic pH creating an extremely negative environment which affects all cellular functions from the beatings of the heart to the neural workings of the brain.

In order to hydrate your body optimally, you need to drink water that is alkalizing and mineral rich. Alkaline water helps to neutralize acids and remove toxins from the body. Alkalizing water also acts as a conductor of electrochemical activity from cell to cell. Ideally, water should have a ph between 9 and 10, and you should be drinking 3-4 liters of it daily. As you hydrate your body properly, you’ll develop more of a thirst for water. Food cravings are often the body’s cry for water. You might already have more of a thirst than you even realize.

pH Balance begins with super hydration

Water is the most crucial factor in establishing and maintaining proper acid-alkaline balance. Since your body is 70% water, it is extremely important to constantly replenish your supply of it. The body loses 2.5 liters of water every day just through normal bodily functions. The quality of the water that you drink is just as important as the quantity of water you drink.

The water you put in your body must be able to prevent toxins and chemical substances from accumulating and creating destructive influences on cells. Water must also transport minerals and nutrients required for cell metabolism, and remove any substances that can damage the cell.

Ideally, the water you drink should have a ph between 9 and 10, and you should be drinking 3-4 liters of it daily.

In order to hydrate your body optimally, you need to drink water that is alkaline and ionized. Alkaline water helps to neutralize stored acids and toxins. Once these acids are neutralized, they can then be removed by the body. Alkaline water containing ionic minerals also acts as a conductor of electrochemical activity from cell to cell.

Reports from studies suggest that ionized, alkaline water can help the body resist disease and slow aging by:

- Increasing Intracellular Hydration
- Replenishing Essential Minerals
- Stabilizing and Protecting Cells
- Helping To Maintain Normal Blood Flow and Acid Alkaline Balance
- Flushing Out and Preventing Wastes from Accumulating in Cells
- Preventing Free Radicals from Forming and Damaging Other Cells

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Without water, life could not exist.
It is the most common substance found on Earth. Water is also the body's most vital need. Most tap water is fine to consume as long as it is properly filtered with both carbon and particulate filters. Spring and mineral bottled water are also good choices.

Purified water, reverse osmosis or distilled, should be completely avoided. It is water that has had all the minerals removed from so it is literally pure H2O

Because of its extreme purity, purified water absorbs carbon dioxide out of the air, which makes it acidic and even more aggressive at dissolving alkaline substances it comes in contact with. It turns the body acidic, leaches vital minerals and does not hydrate the body well at all

Basically, degenerative diseases are the result of acid wastes built up within us. We gradually build up these acids as we age by eating the wrong foods, drinking the wrong beverages, stress and negative emotions. Distilled water, reverse osmosis water, purified water, coffee, tea, soda and alcoholic beverages are examples of acidic beverages. Acidic foods include meat, dairy, eggs, and most prepared and fast foods. Click here to learn which are alkaline or acid foods.

By drinking low ORP (Learn about ORP) ionized water, the acidity of the body is lowered enabling the disposal of acidic wastes from the blood, cellular fluids and other acidic storage areas safely and easily. This antioxidant rich energy water scavenges free radicals that attack our cells. Every cell will feel the difference - wrinkles and age spots will gradually fade. Drink enough alkaline water and you may even lose excess weight (pH Diet). Click here to learn more about how alkaline water works for you.

The immune system becomes stronger and enables the body to fight off disease better. The micro-clustering of the water molecules provides excellent body hydration and skin rejuvenation. The abundance of available oxygen molecules makes us alert and energized


Water ionizers provide high pH alkaline water to neutralize acidity in your body, which is the root cause of disease and symptoms associated with aging.

Water ionizers produce antioxidants by creating negatively charged water, scavenging up damaging free radicals. This slows down your oxidation
( aging )!

Water ionizers increase the available oxygen for mental clarity & energy. We know that disease & cancer cannot lice in an oxygenated, alkaline environment.

Water ionizers micro-cluster water molecules to hydrate our cells more easily, pushing out toxins and causing detoxification on the deepest cellular level.

Additional Observed Medical Benefits in Japan of Ionized Water

HAYASHI,Hidemitsu,M.D.,Water Institute, & KAWAMURA,Munenori,M.D.,Kyowa Medical Clinic, (1985-2000)

1. Improvement of blood glucose and HbAIC levels in diabetes mellitus.

2. Improvement of peripheral circulation in diabetic gangrene.

3. Improvement of uric acid levels in gout.

4. Improvement of liver function in hepatic disease, cirrhosis of liver, hepatitis.

5. Improvement of gastroduodenal ulcers and prevention of recurrences.

6. Improvement of cholesterol level; hypertension, angina, myocardial infarction.

7. Improvement of hypersensitive disorders; atopic dermatitis, asthma, urticaria.

8. Improvement of auto immune disorders; rheumatism, collagen disease, SLE.

9. Improvement of so called specific diseases; Behcet's syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, Kawasaki's disease.

10. Improvement of malignant tumors of liver; hepatoma, metastatic tumors.

11. Improvement of general malaise, chronic constipation & diarrhea as well as persistent diarrhea occurred after gastric resection.

12. Improvement of dehydration in infants with vomiting and diarrhea caused by viral infection

13. Improvement of hyperbilirubinemia in newborns

14. Experiences of pregnant women who took reduced water during their pregnancy; almost no emesis, smooth delivery, slight jaundice, enough lactation, smooth and satisfactory growth of newborns.

Devices to produce reduced water were introduced into our clinic in May 1985. Based on the clinical experiences obtained in the past 15 years, it can be said that introduction of electrolyzed-reduced water for drinking and cooking purpose for inpatients should be the very prerequisite in our daily medical practices.

It is because any dietary recipe cannot be a scientific one if property of water taken by the patients is not taken into consideration.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan announced in 1965 that the intake of reduced water is effective for restoration of intestinal flora metabolism.

A Word About Cancer

Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg, led us to the knowledge that, cancer lives in a low oxygen environment like most bacteria. Every time Otto Warburg lowered the oxygen level by 35% in a healthy cell, it became cancerous.

Cancer needs a low oxygen environment to survive. Basically 99% of the time a terminal cancer victim’s body is a thousand time more acidic than normal. This environment causes a low or no oxygen environment in which cancer thrives.

"As emphasized, it is the first precondition of the proposed treatment that all growing body cells be saturated with oxygen. It is a second precondition that exogenous carcinogens be kept away, at least during the treatment. All carcinogens impair respiration directly or indirectly by deranging capillary circulation, a statement that is proved by the fact that no cancer cell exists, the respiration of which is not impaired. Of course, respiration cannot be repaired if it is impaired at the same time by carcinogens."

Excerpt from, "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer," Revised lecture at the meeting of the Nobel-Laureates on June 30, 1966 at Lindau, Lake Constance, Germany, Otto Warburg, Director, Max Planck-Institute for Cell Physiology, Berlin-Dahlem.

Benefits of Ionized Alkaline High pH Water

  • Supplies extra Oxygen on the cellular level for lots of energy and mental clarity!
  • Provides abundant antioxidants that reduce free radicals in your body!
  • Slows or even reverses the aging process!
  • Washes acidic waste and other toxins from your body!
  • Increases the effectiveness of your digestive enzymes allowing you to naturally eliminate body fats!
  • Improves the taste and quality of foods cooked with it, while decreasing the food's acidity!
  • Hydrates your body up to 6 times more effectively than conventional water!
  • Allows the acidophilus in your body to greatly expand, creating a reduction of harmful bacteria and parasites!
  • Enables nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently in your body!
  • Promotes regularity!
  • Supports overall health and healing by bringing the body into pH balance!

The Health Benefits of Ionized Alkaline Water

Research in Japan since the 1950s and testimonials indicate the following conditions have been improved from drinking alkaline ionized water:

Chronic Fatigue
Leg Cramps
Muscle Aches

Poor Circulation
Body Odors
Kidney Stones

High Blood Pressure
Water Retention
Common Colds

Diseases are categorized as “contagious’ (viruses, colds, flu) and “adult diseases”, (High Blood Pressure, Muscle Aches, Morning Sickness, Diabetes, Hangovers, Kidney Stones, Osteoporosis, Poor Blood Circulation, Body Odor, Hyper-acidity, Migraines, Chronic fatigue, Constipation, Water retention, Diarrhea, Obesity). Current studies from Japan have indicated that the adult diseases are a result of increased waste acidity and an impaired immune system. Alkaline Water will help dissolve the wastes that have been built up over many years and it will help fortify the immune system.

“To Drink Ionized Water is not the Question, it’s the Solution”

First, the Need for Water

Why is Alkaline Water unique?
Watch the picture just below to see a clue . . . .
then scroll down for the rest of the story!

Water is more miraculous than most people think . . .
and it has even more secrets . . .
it is even more miraculous than THAT!

It is estimated that at least 75% of Americans are dehydrated enough that it affects their health in a negative way. Many people interpret their "thirst" as hunger. In a University of Washington study, drinking one glass of water when feeling hungry stopped the hunger pangs in 98% of the dieters surveyed.

Virtually everyone in the U.S. has one or more toxic chemicals lodge in fatty tissue from drinking municipal treated tap water.

53 million Americans drink water from municipal water supplies containing potentially dangerous levels of chloro- and fluoro-chemicals, lead, fecal bacteria, as well as pesticides and other impurities associated with cancer and metabolic dysfunction. In order to sterilize tap water, chlorine is added to the water thus organic chloride and its derivatives will form in the running water.

Your body is, on average, 70% water:

  • Liver 90%
  • Brain 85%
  • Cells 85%
  • Blood 83%
  • Kidney 83%
  • Heart 79%
  • Lungs 79%
  • Muscle 76%
  • Spleen 76%
  • Intestine 75%
  • Skin 72%
  • Bone 35%
  • Body Fat 10%

The main cause of daytime fatigue is simply a lack of water.

Research shows that about 8-10 glasses of water a day may significantly ease back pain and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

If the average person drank at least 5 16oz. glasses of water a day (plain water not mixed) the risk of getting breast cancer is decreased by 79%, colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%.

A person's minimal water requirements is half their body weight in ounces. For instance, a 200 pound person should drink at least 100 ounces of water, or about 3 quarts. Ideally, for optimum wellness, 1 quart (32 oz.) of water for every 30 lbs. of body weight. For a 200 pound person, this would be about 6.5 quarts.

Only a 2% drop in the amount of water in your water can bring on mental confusion such as short-term memory loss, being unable to focus and forgetting how to do simple math calculations.